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marling_marlengo marling_marlengo 3 giorni fa

🍹✨ Dive into the world of Marling's spirits and liqueurs! Whether at the Unterthurner Distillery, Bruggerhof or the Distillery Lahnerhof, there's something for every taste. What's your favorite spirit or liqueur? Tell us in the comments! ​😋​😁

📸Destillerie Unterthurner, Likörhersteller Bruggerhof, Bauernbrennerei Lahnerhof

#marling_marlengo #visitmarling #südtirol #genuss #destillat #likör

marling_marlengo marling_marlengo 6 giorni fa

Take advantage of the South Tyrol Guest Pass and discover the most beautiful places in South Tyrol! Hop on the train and enjoy the breathtaking scenery. Quick, easy and convenient - experience unforgettable moments on your journey through South Tyrol!🚂🌄
#SüdtirolGuestpass #Zugreise #Entdecken #Erleben #Südtirol

marling_marlengo marling_marlengo 10 giorni fa

🚴‍♂️Experience the Etschradroute from Mals to Marling - a picturesque cycle tour along the Adige river! Immerse yourself in the beauty of South Tyrol as you cycle past apple orchards and through charming villages.🥰 Enjoy the fresh air, the marvellous views and the relaxing atmosphere. You can look forward to a wonderful day of cycling! 🚴‍♂️🌿

📸Matt Cherubino

#marling_marlengo #visitmarling #südtirol #genuss #Etschradroute #Vinschgau #Meran #Radfahren #Entdecken #Erleben #Radtour

marling_marlengo marling_marlengo 14 giorni fa

Our Kneipp walks are starting again! 💧🚶‍♂️🌿

Discover the world of Kneipp and strengthen your immune system and your well-being according to the natural healing methods of Sebastian Kneipp. A special experience for body, mind and soul!🧖‍♂️🧘‍♀️🍃

More information at

📸Hotel Sonnenhof

#marling_marlengo #visitmarling #südtirol #genuss #Kneipp #Gesundheit #ImmunsystemStärken #Wohlbefinden #Naturheilverfahren #Marling #KörperGeistSeele

marling_marlengo marling_marlengo 19 giorni fa

🌿🌞 Experience the beauty of nature on the Marlinger Höhenweg! 🏞️ Breathtaking views of the surrounding mountains and valleys await you. From Marling, the trail leads gently uphill and offers numerous rest stops along the way to enjoy the view. Whether on foot or by bike, the Marlinger Höhenweg is well worth a trip! 🥾✨🌲🏔️

📸Damian Pertoll

#marling_marlengo #visitmarling #südtirol #genuss #MarlingerHöhenweg #Wandern #Naturgenuss #EntdeckeNeues

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